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jeronna Hansberry

Where'd You Go, Bernadette?

I can't rate this one

This movie serves to remind us of just how crazy we all are in one way or another and WHY? How do we get to the point of giving up, giving in, or giving too much of ourselves to things and causes that just aren't ours or ours alone. In some ways Bernadette is your typical stay at home mom who may be in need of something else to do because her kid is growing up. In other ways, she's a woman who some may say is deeply disturbed due to her behavior. She's a woman with a vengeful spirit that just can't let some things go and other things she'll let go completely. Things like her home, her marriage, and her relationships with other human beings in general. She finds hope and true love in her teenage daughter that will truly fight for her mother's honor at any cost. In my opinion, the most impactful scene of the movie occurs during a lunch date with an old friend. Bernadette goes on and on about how her life has not gone as planned and he looks at her and says, I know what the problem is. "You were born to create. When you don't create your a menace to society". Hmm, that sounds like me. Well, you be the judge and see for yourself. There is something or someone in this movie that will impact every person watching in some way; good or bad. I'm including the trailer, but it is rather misleading. The movie is not what you may think it is from seeing the previews.

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Aug 18, 2019

Great story for many with great acting I am guessing.


jeronna Hansberry
Aug 18, 2019

Martha, that's what happens to so many people. As human beings we have a natural instinct to help others. We look up one day to realize that while we were being kind and reliable to others, we forgot to help ourselves in one way or another. You should really see the movie. It makes us feel less regretful about putting others first while showing us that its never too late to put yourself first. I'd love to hear your perspective after watching the film.


Aug 18, 2019

This sounds like what happens to me when I put my life on hold to focus on others.

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