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jeronna Hansberry

Hillbilly Elegy!

5 Stars!!!!!

This movie is based on a true tory. It's the memoir of the narrator and it was a great movie. It is what America needs right now to end all of the racial tension and race wars we've been seeing the last few months. This movie is about a family that struggles with poverty, drug addiction, single parenting, low expectations, grandmas stuck raising their grandchildren, welfare, physical abuse.... AND guess what? They're not Black. Their White. I'm putting emphasis on this because the struggle is real regardless of race. Poverty leads to so much chaos. The main character was saved by his grandmother. She made excuses for his mother and realized that those excuses contributed to her demise. She tells him at a young enough age to understand but not too old for it to be too late that if you want to be somebody you'v got to decide right now. This is what a lot of our youth are missing: that person to show them tough love while motivating and believing in them. Glenn Close and Amy Adams both deserve Academy Awards for their performances. A MUST SEE!!!!!!

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Nov 16, 2020

This movie is great and it was truly moving. He made it and they made him.

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