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jeronna Hansberry

Terminator "Dark Fate"

2.5 Stars

I anticipated this release for so many weeks, but this movie kind of let me down. I really liked seeing Linda Hamilton and Arnold Schwarzenegger together again. The opening scene is really nice too, because it's a clip from the first movies and you get to see them when they were younger. The cinematography and special effects are definitely award nomination worthy, but the plot was rather slow and laborious. I was expecting to see more action, but did not get that much for the middle third of the movie. There was great action at the beginning and end, but the movie dragged for about an hour. However, the gentleman playing the terminator was magnificent. He was born to play this role. If you were into the previous Terminator movies you probably would enjoy this. If you're not into action films, hasta la vista baby!

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Nov 16, 2019

Oh no! It's too bad it didn't live up the previous installments. I did like the earlier movies. I might wait for it to arrive on cable😉.


Nov 04, 2019

Linda was great especially her fire power and Arnold cannot be matched...definitely this is one you can say I'll be back!

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