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jeronna Hansberry

The Joker

I just found out about this movie yesterday on the news and had to see it because Joaquin Phoenix is the main character and quite a talented actor. There's a lot of drama surrounding the movie: supposedly police outside the movie theaters for safety, etc but there were literally ten people in the theater when I saw it tonight so I felt pretty safe. However, when I left the theater I was pretty uneasy. This is the story of how the Joker becomes the Joker. You get to understand why he is so troubled. He has had to overcome many obstacles in his life from early childhood and needs treatment for the mental health challenges they have caused. The first hour and fifty minutes of the movie focus on his troubled life. He doesn't put on the full Joker get up until the last ten minutes of the movie. It is ten minutes that you must see. Now, This is not a movie for children, some young adults or anyone whose been bullied or abused. I understand the controversy and concern surrounding it. We live in a very impressionist and copycat society now and this movie could give someone who is not mentally healthy an idea to go out and do things they shouldn't. Hell, people have actually gone out and done the things you see him doing already. The last seen of the movie is the most frightening because he is being celebrated and acknowledged for his behavior. With that being said, the acting was a must see. It's not really a horror film but its a horrific film. I can't rate it, but I can tell you I left the theater with the same feeling I had after seeing Johnny Depp play Sweeney Todd back in 2007: just speechless!!!! Go see!

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jeronna Hansberry
Oct 06, 2019

Well said Tom. In the movie, he's receiving treatment for his mental illness but social service funding was cut by the city and that was it: no more weekly therapy or medication. When he went off the medication he got really demented. I'm sure this happens to people in our society everyday.


Oct 05, 2019

... what he became...who can say energy of great disturbance and murderous violence.. pain and rejection, not good for anyone. And that people followed him without even thinking about prison or rehab an option for the Joker... probably we just need to care more

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