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jeronna Hansberry

The Good Liar

1 Star

This movie was the biggest disappointment of the year for me thus far. It's unfortunate because the main characters are two phenomenal actors: Helen Mirren and Ian McKellan. The plot was interesting at first. You have two widowed elders who meet online. It starts with all the fear, anxiety, and suspicion that online dating can bring. A woman thinks she has met the man of her dreams, but the audience sees that he is just a fraud that's out for her money. Then, the movie takes this ugly turn for the worst as the plot UNthickens and she turns the tables on this guy. We find out that he is someone from her past that she wanted to seek revenge on and plans the whole online dating thing. There are remnants of World War II and Hitler's Nazi Germany in the story as well. All in all, just a bad flick. I just cannot recommend it. Dean Richards, what were you talking about? I will not discourage anyone from seeing this movie, but I should have seen a beautiful day in somebody's neighborhood instead. The trailer is much more interesting than the movie, so enjoy!

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2 commentaires

24 nov. 2019

I think they both had pretty good performances. The movie itself probably could have been more interesting than it was. Dean probably wanted it to be better too!


24 nov. 2019

Oh no!!! I was looking forward to seeing this movie. I really wanted this movie to provide an uplifting experience.

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