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jeronna Hansberry


3.5 Stars!!!

This movie was very relaxing for me. No seriousness, sadness, or mystery to solve. It was a good old fashioned love story with a lot of background and a little twist. I am not familiar with the director, but I have a feeling she may be on the path to a great career. The main characters fall in love after one of them interviews a gentlemen about the photographs on his wall. It turns out that the photos were taken by an old girlfriend who coincidentally is the mother of the female love interest in the film. The movie explores some of the typical ups and downs of relationships such as distance, honesty, and trust. But, what I really liked was the way the story was told. It leaves you rooting for the main characters and wanting to see more. It's not necessarily the happy ever after ending, but it is a real ending to a real movie that was real good! The music is great too: a lot of oldies but goodies. Go see it!

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Feb 23, 2020

I thought photograph was great! Nice and easy and most importantly not forcing life....great time to just live

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