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jeronna Hansberry


4.5 Stars

This movie won the SAG (Screen Actors Guild) award for best ensemble cast in a motion picture last night, AND.....IT DESERVED IT. When my husband and I saw the movie over the weekend, I said it deserves a nomination for best picture at the academy. Heads up: It is a foreign film, so it is in Korean with subtitles. The movie is about a poor Korean Family that is up to hustles, hustles, and more hustles. Unfortunately, their dishonesty catches up with them and leads to their family being torn apart in more ways than one. But, the film is simultaneously about something else: work ethic and loyalty. While this family used and cheated other people to help improve their way of life, they were working hard at the jobs they swindled their way into to make a better life for themselves and each other. They stuck together to the very end. Does that justify what they did? You be the judge. The plot continually thickened throughout the movie, moving it from a dark comedy to a complete and utter tragedy. The cinematography was also excellent. This was a Jeronna's list A-!

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jeronna Hansberry
Jan 21, 2020

There was a high cost for both. I like the analogy Tom.


Jan 20, 2020

Both families had 2 kids, one where family first at all cost and the other well off making assumptions about people they accepted almost like they were family costing them greatly...

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