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jeronna Hansberry

Little Women

Updated: Dec 28, 2019

4 stars!

I loved it! It's a great rendition of the classic novel and an even better addition to all of the Little Women movies that have come before it. I so badly want Soairse Ronan to get an academy award for this film. Her acting is beautiful and powerful. There's this one scene with her and her mom and she's talking about her feelings. How she wants women to be looked at as equals and that marriage is not something that every women should necessarily want to aspire to, but she also admits that she's lonely without a male companion. So true of many of us women. I did not see that level of compassion or truth in the previous Little Women films, and I feel that scene alone, makes the movie worth seeing. Timothee Chalamet is a great co-star in the film along with Laura Dern, Emma Watson, Meryl Streep and everyone else in the film. It's the perfect movie to see this holiday season.

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Great review!


jeronna Hansberry

I agree. That scene is what will give her an academy award nomination. It's so true too. Liberation can lead to loneliness. You're free to do what you please, but now you have to find something to do. You should see the movie. You will like it.



Wow! You might have convinced me to see this version of Little Women. Connection with a love partner is so important, and it doesn’t diminish our value or power as women.

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