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jeronna Hansberry

It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood!

Updated: Nov 29, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!

I saw Mr. Rogers today. The movie was fantastic. When I heard the previews, I was a little unsure about this one. Tom Hanks just didn't sound convincing, but he proved me wrong. He was pretty good as Fred Rogers. The audience gave the movie a standing ovation at the end. I couldn't figure out if it was the acting, plot, or the legend behind the movie that made it one of my favorites of the year thus far. The setting takes place in Pennsylvania. A magazine journalist is writing an article about Mr. Rogers. During the interview, Fred Rogers begins to ask the journalist questions about his life and the movie quickly takes us through the many ups and downs in the journalist's life. This allows the audience to learn about the man that we all grew up watching. We already know how amazing he was, but the movie provides us with a thick lens to see his talent and compassion for others in a new light. Go out and see it this holiday season, and take the entire family with you.

5 stars!!!!

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jeronna Hansberry
Dec 15, 2019

I learned a lot more about the effort it took to make the show. It seemed so simple when I watched it as a child: the puppets, miniature railroads, etc. But that was a lot of work and talent.


Dec 01, 2019

And the film did a great job showing that


Dec 01, 2019

I was surprised not so much at how genuine and basically loving Mr. Rogers was but also how much he saw us that way or with the capacity to be that way too...

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