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jeronna Hansberry

Gemini Man

2.5 Stars!

I gave this movie 2.5 stars because Will Smith is the main character and a household name. If he were not the star of the movie, it probably would have gotten two stars from me. The plot was pretty predictable in some ways. Will smith works for the DIA. His job for the past twenty-five years has been to take out bad guys. The movie begins with his retirement from this gig. He gets classified information from a friend that the last job he took, was not what he thought. The person he was ordered to kill had done nothing wrong, and it was his own employer's deceit, lies, and motive that he was fulfilling. When his employers find out that he is aware of what they've been doing, they set out to kill him. They send one of their best to do the job: his clone. Accept, he was never aware that he had a clone. This is the most interesting part of the movie. The clone tries to kill him on a few occasions unsuccessfully. Eventually, he tells the clone what's been going on and they become partners teaming up to kill the people who were responsible for all of this. That's when the movie gets a little cheesy. Then there's the happily ever after at the end. Will Smith's humor comes out in several scenes of the movie, so that helps it a little bit but I think what freaked me out the most is that his clone looks like a simulation towards the end of the movie. You can tell that its a computer animation and not a real person. I didn't like that and wondered why they weren't better with the special effects. If you like action movies that don't have a lot of drama or emotional baggage, this ones for you.

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jeronna Hansberry
Oct 27, 2019

Thanks for the comments Tom and Martha. Martha, I was thinking the same thing "how bad can it be", but it was kind of a disappointment. I would love to hear the thoughts of other people who've seen the movie.


Oct 27, 2019

I keep thinking, "How bad can it be with Will Smith in it?"


Oct 27, 2019

Not a lot of emotional baggage sounds good to me😊. You know I cry too easily. I was really hoping for an "Independence Day" type of experience.


Oct 14, 2019

I like they tried to be original but I am not sure it worked that well. I am glad you they did not put together a romance or he took some other role. The music was pretty good!

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