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jeronna Hansberry

Downton Abbey

Four Stars

This movie was what I expected. A great compliment to the show. The King and Queen are coming for a visit and all of the staff of Downton Abby are getting ready for the main event. The royal family will stay for one night before moving on. Well, preparations for the royal arrival are put to a halt when they find out that the King and Queen's staff will be coming to do the cooking, cleaning, and all other accommodations for the the royal family. The Downton Abby staff are put out by this and the poor treatment they receive from the royal staff, so they cook up a scheme that allows the Downton Staff to serve and pamper the royal family before their stay is over. In the meantime, other mini plots sprout up through out the movie as well. Plots that involve heirship, family planning, marital problems, and sexuality. I liked this movie because while it served as an extension to the show, it is written in a way that allows viewers who may not have been die hard fans of the show to get just as much entertainment and enjoyment out of the movie. I've already added the trailer, so I'll leave you with some Downton Abby Music!

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