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jeronna Hansberry


Updated: Dec 27, 2019

3 Stars!

So, I just found out about this movie about a week ago. I decided to check it out over the weekend. I had no idea it was based on not only a true story; but the true story of some METOO stuff that happened to Megyn Kelly. The movie centers around the sexist behavior and sexual favors the head of FOX News, Roger Ailes was notorious for for so many years. Megyn Kelly was not the original plaintiff for the lawsuit that ultimately ends Ailes's career. It was another news anchor that musters up the courage to fire back at him, but Megyn's corroboration of her allegations is essential to the investigation because Megyn Kelly is such a household name. It turns out, this guy harassed her during her early days on FOX news and she allowed it, because she wanted to be on television. As we all know, she became a huge success. BUT, where is she now? I have been wondering about Megyn Kelly's fall from news anchor grace over the past year or so, and this explains it. She exposes this creep in 2017 and leaves FOX. It all makes perfect sense now. This guy was powerful which was evident in the movie, and her career has gone down the tubes. It's such a shame. What was more shameful were all the women at FOX that were supporting Roger Ailes and wearing T-Shirts to prove their commitment during this investigation. But, maybe that's how it is when you've slept your way up to the top. You want to try to keep the sheets as clean as possible! Go see it. Margot Robbie and Charlize Theron both got Golden Globe nods for it.

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Jan 01, 2020

Happy New Year to you🎆

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