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jeronna Hansberry

After the Wedding

Updated: Sep 7, 2019

I give this movie three stars.

The acting was impressive. How can you go wrong with Julianne Moore and Michelle Williams leading the way, but the story was an ever evolving roller coaster of one dismal event after another. The trailer and previews do this movie no favors. You really can't understand the plot from what they allow you to see in a snap shot. You just know something is going to happen. And did it happen. Just when you think its gotten as shocking and sad as it can, something else goes wrong, and I just couldn't take it. The movie comes full circle when the main character's daughter confronts her about keeping her terminal illness a secret. Her daughter says "I don't want you to die". This gave me the creeps, because I said the same thing to my mom in the same manner not long before she passed away from cancer. I couldn't stop crying in the theater. As if that's not enough, a few scenes later the main character confesses to her husband about her fear of dying saying "I don' t want to die. I'm not done yet". This was equally creepy because my mom said the same thing to me when she got the same bad news. And this is just one depressing plot of a few in the movie. I couldn't take it, but that does not mean some of you can't. We are heading into award season and I will not be surprised if this movie is there due to the amazing acting and fabulous directing, but it was just tooooo depressing for me. But you can see for yourselves.

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jeronna Hansberry
Sep 19, 2019

Mary, thanks for reminding me of that. When we are faced with death, all we think about is the end. We don't consider the new beginning ahead for our loved one. In the movie, the topic of new beginnings was never touched on. Julianne's character focused on her death and preparation for it. Thanks for your comment!


Sep 19, 2019

This is one flick I will pass on.In the beginning of an illness we never think it is the end,Howeverdeath hoovers us like a dark cloud.That is why we must be sure our hearts and soul are pure. Remember death is not the end it is the beginning.


Sep 07, 2019

I agree....a hard and powerful story...performances were is watched well probably when it's not so close to life


Sep 07, 2019

Jeronna, I don't think I can handle this movie either. Maybe you should watch the Wayan's movie again to lift your spirits.

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